Varinos is the first company in the world to commercialize an endometrial microbiome test
- - The test examines the existence of Lactobacillus spp. in the endometrium or vagina, which reports have shown the correlation with pregnancy outcomes
- - Comprehensive bacteria profile provides information on pathogenic bacterial species
- - Test failure rate is less than 2%
- - Results are presented in an easy-to-interpret report for assessment of the microbiome makeup of the sample
Who should test for EMT?
Women planning to
conceive in the future -
Patients undergoing
fertility treatment,
but still cannot conceive -
Failure to conceive
even after transfer of
a good embryo -
Patients with repeated
implantation failure
EMT provides more insight about the patient and expands your treatment options
Multiple studies have shown the importance of good bacteria such as Lactobacillus are known to protect the fetus from viral infections and pathogenic bacterial infections by creating an environment where other bacteria cannot multiply. High levels of Lactobacillus have been linked to an increase in successful embryo implantation and live births.
Read the groundbreaking results
Endometrial Microbiome Test is Expanding Globally
Questions on how to order the test or interested in becoming a distributor?