We will weave the future of the family with genome analysis technology so that as many women as possible can have healthy babies, give birth, and hold them in their hands.
Our approach to Infertility
We are working on these three pillars: understanding the environment that will receive the baby (Endometrial Microbiome Testing), an important supplement to protect both the mother and the baby (Lactoferrin), and a test to check for abnormalities in the number of chromosomes in the embryo to determine the risk of miscarriage (PGT-A).
One in 5.5 couples in Japan suffers from infertility. With continuous research and development, we aim to reduce not only the physical and mental burden on the women, but the economic costs as well.

What We Can Do
Overseas, tests in various reproductive fields that utilize genomes are already underway. By applying the latest genome technology, we have made "Endometrial Microbiome Testing", which determines the environment of the uterus where a fertilized egg is received, and "PGT-A Testing”, which checks for chromosomal abnormalities that are said to be responsible for 70% of miscarriages prior to embryo transfer, possible.
※Source:Soler A et al., Cytogenet Genome Res. 2017;152(2):81-89
Endometrial Microbiome Test
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